Sunday, April 8, 2012

My Pinterest Easter!!!

If you have not heard o Pinterest yet, you are so missing out!! Pinterest is a website that you can go to and get anything from recipes to decorating ideas to do it yourself ideas. Well when I knew we were going to do Easter dinner here I decided to put some of the things I seen on Pinterest to the test! Everything turned out just as I wanted it to!!! Here are some of the things I did. These are all MY punctures of the stuff Erin & I did :)
If you can't tell what each of the pictures are I will explain.
We made a Peeps cake, our plastic ware rolled up to look like carrots, my home made center piece made out of eggs, grass and peeps, flowers in mason jars with fresh lemons, yarn eggs, and then a couple pics of my table once all of the food was done. The only thing I forgot to take a picture of was my bunny ear bread that was made out of breadsticks :(
I just LOVE a party, from decorating, to coming up with the party food, to the games. We did not hunt eggs this year either because the kids are all getting older. We played games from egg toss, relay races and even an optical corse. We all had a great time.
I guess I could tell you how my day got started. I woke up at 5:45 so I could attend a local sunrise service. So I get up, get ready and put the ham in the oven before I leave. I get home to find that my oven is "luke" warm!!! My oven decides it does not want to work on another setting other than broil!!! So I continue to cook my ham on broil for the next 4 hours :( the devil tried to ruin my day, but I wasn't going to let him!!! I also said the blessing before our meal today which is a BIG deal for me because I don't like to pray out loud in front of people. I do have to say that I felt a calm come over me once I started praying!! That was the lord holding my hand as I prayed giving me the strength to do it!! It might not have been the most awesome prayer ever said, but I did it!!!! Today was a pretty awesome day I must say so!!!!

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